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Feb 18, 2016 8:05:18 PM by Edwin Raymond

Marketing Persistence

B2B Lead Generation, B2b Tele marketing and tele Sales, B2b Inbound Marketing, Outbound Marketing, Podcasts

 As Henry Ford said "If you want to succeed in business you need Patience" .... but never forget persistence too.

This podcast is about "Marketing and Business Development". We wanted to keep it fresh, light and easy to consume.

Persistence is the key factor to winning business:

44% of sales people give up after one "No"
22% give up after two "No's"
14% give up after three "No's"
12% give up after four "No's"

Therefore 92% of people give up after five "No's" leaving Just 8% to get the order on the 5th, 6th, or 7th time.

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